Bluff City & Abingdon Fishing Information
Looking to get away and do some fishing?
If you've never been to this area before you might need some help to find the best fishing spots. We're proud to partner with local Bluff City & Abingdon fishing guides on the South Holston River and North Fork Rivers. These local guides can take you to the fish and even give you some tips on local fish habits. Hiring a guide is always a good idea for your first fishing adventure here.
Choose Your Guide
South Holston River Fishing
South Holston River is a tailwater fed by the TVA South Holston dam which provides cold, reliable flows and highly oxygenated water year round. Renowned for its wild brown trout and yearly stocked rainbows, biologists estimate an ample 8,500+ trout per mile. When not generating, you'll find perfect wading conditions, nearly all accessible by foot. During times of generation, float trips are ideal, especially with a local guide. When planning your trip, be sure to check out the TVA's generation schedule.
You will need the appropriate fishing license, one that includes (All Species) as you will be fishing for trout. After you have opened an account, you may consider options and purchase your license online at the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.
North Fork River Fishing
The North Fork flows more than 100 miles throughout Southwest Virginia. It is home to an excellent smallmouth bass population routinely up to five pounds, along with rock bass, redbreast sunfish and numerous other species, although in lower numbers. A general fishing license can be purchased online or at a local shop.